Do You Really Know us?

Do You Really Know Us? Fruitmarket & St David’s Primary School, Edinburgh

In response to the themes of the current gallery exhibition, I led a discussion with a class of primary school pupils about the concept of outward appearances versus inner feelings. We explored what people may perceive about others from the outside, contrasting it with what might actually be happening on the inside.

I gave each young artist two paper speech bubbles and asked them to write on one of them, something about themselves, which might be obvious. Using highlighter pens on back card, they also wrote something about themselves which people may not know (that they were happy to share anonymously). I suspended their responses in the Fruitmarket gallery, as part of an exhibition by the young artists.

Gallery visitors were invited to reveal the anonymous responses using an ultraviolet torch. The young artists' candid reflections ranged from the humorous to the poignant. It offered the young people the opportunity to express themselves and their perspective to the gallery visitors.

Photography of the young artists attending their private view © Sally Jubb Photography